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leymkem (verb, intransitiv)

pronunciation (IPA): lɛjm.ˈkɛm
English: protest (used with tsnì for the subordinate clause)
source: (30 Sept 2017)

affix examples

l·am·eymkem PST simple past
l·ìm·eymkem PST close past (just {verb}ed)
l·ìy·eymkem FUT close future (will {verb} soon)
l·ay·eymkem FUT future
l·ol·eymkem PFV perfective (finished)
l·er·eymkem IPFV imperfective (unfinished)
l·iv·eymkem SJV subjunctive (possibility mode)
l·ei·eymkem LAUD amelioration (favorable connotation)
l·äng·eymkem PEJ pejorative (negative connotation)