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yune (verb, transitive)

pronunciation (IPA): ˈju.nɛ
English: listen to
description: (+control)
source: 27 Nov 2012

affix examples

y·am·une PST simple past
y·ìm·une PST close past (just {verb}ed)
y·ìy·une FUT close future (will {verb} soon)
y·ay·une FUT future
y·ol·une PFV perfective (finished)
y·er·une IPFV imperfective (unfinished)
y·iv·une SJV subjunctive (possibility mode)
yun·ei·e LAUD amelioration (favorable connotation)
yun·äng·e PEJ pejorative (negative connotation)

related words

stawm hear
stawmtswo hearing
sense of hearing
pam sound
tìng mikyun listen