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way si (verb, intransitiv)

pronunciation (IPA): waj si
English: sing (of ancient, ceremonial song)
Topic groups: music / instruments
source: Frommer (01. Oktober 2010)

affix examples

way s·am·i PST simple past
way s·ìm·i PST close past (just {verb}ed)
way s·ìy·i FUT close future (will {verb} soon)
way s·ay·i FUT future
way s·ol·i PFV perfective (finished)
way s·er·i IPFV imperfective (unfinished)
way s·iv·i SJV subjunctive (possibility mode)
way s·eiy·i LAUD amelioration (favorable connotation)
way s·äng·i PEJ pejorative (negative connotation)

related words

way a plltxe spoken poem
melodic recital
way a rol sung poem
as a melodic recital
lawr melody
tìng lawr sing wordlessly
give out a tune or melody
rol sing
tìrol song (vocal)
way (ancient, ceremonial) song
waytelem song cord
(mnemonic storytelling aids, strings of colored beads and bits of stone, bone and plant pieces)