nì'aw (adverb)
pronunciation (IPA): nɪ.ˈʔaw
English: | only |
source: | ASG |
example sentences & phrases
soaia lu hì'i - nì'aw sempul, sa'nok, tsmukan alu Loak a s·ol·alew zìsìt a·mevopey, sì Txewì
The family is small - only father, mother, a twenty-year-old brother named Loak, and Txewì -
hìtxoa, ke new oe·l futa fì·tì·pängkxo·t ay·ngeyä h·iv·ultstxem, slä tsun m·iv·äkxu hìkrr nì'aw srak?
Excuse me, I don't want to derail your chat, but can I interrupt for just a moment?