
tìrusun nìpxi nì'aw
fwew ìlä lì'fya:

luan (verb, transitive)

lì'upam (IPA): ˈlu.an 
'ìnglìsì: owe
to have a moral obligation to give s.t. to s.o.
tsim: naviteri.org (28 Feb 2024)

hemlì'uviyä sìkenong

l·am·uan PST simple past
l·ìm·uan PST close past (just {verb}ed)
l·ìy·uan FUT close future (will {verb} soon)
l·ay·uan FUT future
l·ol·uan PFV perfective (finished)
l·er·uan IPFV imperfective (unfinished)
l·iv·uan SJV subjunctive (possibility mode)
lu·ei·an LAUD amelioration (favorable connotation)
lu·äng·an PEJ pejorative (negative connotation)