
tìrusun nìpxi nì'aw
fwew ìlä lì'fya:

waytelem (substantive (noun))

lì'upam (IPA): ˈwaj.tɛ.lɛm
'ìnglìsì: song cord
(mnemonic storytelling aids, strings of colored beads and bits of stone, bone and plant pieces)
aysna'o: music / instruments
tsim: ASG (2009)

hemlì'uviyä sìkenong

me·waytelem DU dual / dual numbers
pxe·waytelem TRI trial / trial number
ay·waytelem PL plural
fì·waytelem DEM these {noun} (singular)
fay·waytelem DEM PL these {noun plural}
tsa·waytelem DEM that {noun} (singular)
tsay·waytelem DEM PL those {noun] (plural)

lì'uä sna'o

way a plltxe spoken poem
melodic recital
way a rol sung poem
as a melodic recital
way si sing (of ancient, ceremonial song)
lawr melody
tìng lawr sing wordlessly
give out a tune or melody
rol sing
tìrol song (vocal)
way (ancient, ceremonial) song