sunu (verb, intransitiv)
English: | be pleasing be likeable bring enjoyment like |
source: | (16 Jul 2010) |
affix examples
s·am·unu | PST | simple past |
s·ìm·unu | PST | close past (just {verb}ed) |
s·ìy·unu | FUT | close future (will {verb} soon) |
s·ay·unu | FUT | future |
s·ol·unu | PFV | perfective (finished) |
s·er·unu | IPFV | imperfective (unfinished) |
s·iv·unu | SJV | subjunctive (possibility mode) |
sun·ei·u | LAUD | amelioration (favorable connotation) |
sun·äng·u | PEJ | pejorative (negative connotation) |
example sentences & phrases
sunu oe·ru 'ompin
I like (the colour) purple -
sunu oe·ru tumpin
I like (the colour) red/orange -
sunu oe·ru teylu
I like teylu -
s·iv·unu ay·nga·r fì·tskxekeng·tsyìp!
May you enjoy this little exercise! -
sunu oe·ru fwa fì·tseng·it t·er·ok oe·l nìmun
I enjoy being here again -
ke sunu oe·ru rimpin
I don't like the color yellow