'em (verb, transitive)
English: | cook |
Topic groups:
cooking / gastronomy / delicacies
source: | Taronyus Wörterbuch 9.5 < Frommer |
affix examples
'·am·em | PST | simple past |
'·ìm·em | PST | close past (just {verb}ed) |
'·ìy·em | FUT | close future (will {verb} soon) |
'·ay·em | FUT | future |
'·ol·em | PFV | perfective (finished) |
'·er·em | IPFV | imperfective (unfinished) |
'·iv·em | SJV | subjunctive (possibility mode) |
'·ei·em | LAUD | amelioration (favorable connotation) |
'·äng·em | PEJ | pejorative (negative connotation) |
example sentences & phrases
oe·l k·ol·an futa nga·l '·iv·em wutso·ti
I intended (for/that) you to cook dinner -
p·ol·txe po san Sorewn·ìl kan'ìn tì·'em·it nìtxan ulte kxawm tsa·txele me·nga·ne za'·ats·u nì'eng
She said you're really into cooking and that you might share that in common
related words
tì'em | (art of) cooking |
'emyu | cook cooker |